1.At this point, the dismounted set of reporting volumes is ready for the build or refresh phase of its next update cycle.
2.At this point the fish very active, they are more in the next outlet in the upper waters of river joy or snatch food withdrawal.
3.At this point, all the hardest work of a paper is behind a writer. The research. The writing. The thorough and formal citation.
4.Should I move toward her? Was she like a bubble that would burst? Honestly, at this point, my limbs seemed to belong to someone else.
5.It is worth mentioning at this point that the nuclear fuel in a reactor can never cause a nuclear explosion like a nuclear bomb.
6.And at this point of my career, you know that should be the only thing important to me and that IS the only thing important to me.
7.At this point, the break statement causes program execution to break out of the while loop, skipping the else clause.
8."The trend [for crude oil] seems to be down at this point, " says John Wilson, chief technical strategist at Morgan Keegan.
9.At this point we are ready to test the whole application.
10.At this point we are ready to install the seat sling to the seat frame.